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Coral Restoration

Coral Restoration

Due to a variety of factors, many reefs worldwide have experienced a decline in coral cover over the past few decades. In 2011, after the local community had established the no fish zone, the conservation team at Barefoot Manta initiated a restoration program focusing on removing coral predators (such as Crown of Thorns Starfish and Drupella snails), and propagating fast growing corals.  By 2018, over 4,000 square metres of Acorpora staghorn corals had been grown on a number of patches around the island. This initial coral restoration served to improve structure and colour and to attract more fish life. The restoration strategy was further enhanced in 2019, with a greater focus of species diversity and genetic diversity being applied to the corals being propagated. By the end of 2021, over 20 different species of corals have been added to the coral gardening initiative at Barefoot.

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